Outdoors Engine Video Importer Privacy

Video Importer Privacy Policy

Outdoors Engine is owned by OutdoorsFIRST Media, Inc., 3790 Foster Lane, Rhinelander WI 54501.

In a standard website configuration, the Outdoors Engine Video Importer uses the OutdoorsFIRST Media “brand” account to authorize the Outdoors Engine Video Importer Application. This application is given permission to “view” the OutdoorsFIRST YouTube account.

There may be circumstances where you would like the Outdoors Engine Video Importer to connect to your own account.

In both cases, this application is given permission to “view” the OutdoorsFIRST YouTube account, or the account that you authorize..

This data is used to embed videos contained within any user playlist to your Outdoors Engine hosted website.

The data embedded within the page is the public video url, title, description, and categories.

These videos may be removed by you at any time from your website, and no additional information, is collected or distributed to third parties. You may deauthorize the application at any time from you video control panel, or by contacting us at https://outdoorsengine.com/support


OutdoorsFIRST Media, Inc. dba Outdoors Engine
3790 Foster Lane
Rhinelander WI 54501
p. 715-362-3286
e. [email protected]
